Thousands of us stood and jostled in the grand rooms up the stair of the Royal Academy to see the rendering of our countryside by David Hockney. And returned home with eyes on stalks to stare at our surrounding woods and fields. To look at them anew without the mind overpowering the senses. I have walked since in swatches of colour that I might not have believed before and stopped and stared at unfurling leaves, shy flowers in ditches. Listened too to riotous babbling of streams.
‘The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate Woods‘ took up a room with almost daily impressions scratched on an ipad and then printed off and plastered round the walls of the largest room. It was from January to May in the coming.
Squeezed into the dark room, before the sketch books, where the camera was showing film footage of a car at snails pace capturing the verdant verges, the chalky stems of trees. Charted through all the seasons.
The verdict for me was slow down and see. Wait with bated breath for Action Week, when the may or hawthorn will unfurl. And then the summer will be here.