I keep a list in a grubby old note book of plants that are looking good together. I am stumped for the right word here, or phrase. It could be 'plant associations' but that sounds like a gathering of heavy-duty plumbers. Or instead perhaps 'companion planting' Full time carers spring to mind. So I am plumping for 'intuitive planting' and am not that happy with that either. Words apart, it is two or more plants gathered together and looking harmonious. So that you reach for your pencil and scribble down the names. Or just snap them. Here are Cotinus coggyria, Ageratina altissima 'Chocolate' and Miscanthus nepalensis. The last one I am watching. It is gold, wispy and see-through. Or it is as a young plant. Miscanthus put their elbows out and outgrow allotted space. These plants are mere teenagers. A year or two will tell me. The intuition is with the plants. I am just the observer.