[caption id="attachment_690" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="on the pigs back"]

As a self-confessed techno-phobe and luddite, I feel I am on the pig's back with lovely www.blotanical.com. It's the website for people blogging about gardens all over the world.
Can't quite think why this new hobby of blogging came upon me. Computers? URLS? RSS feeds? All a dense fuzz in the brain's recesses. I give you the example of my own website. The server is down, but am sheepish and have no idea where to go to solve the problem. Yellow pages? church? tennis court even springs to mind. Perhaps if I broadcast my problem someone out there will help me.
And so to people, starting the blog was a whim, a thing of the moment but now St Vitus' dance is upon me, no bullshit, can't stop. But this brings me to 2 things. One is the gardening community of Blotanical.com. Grower Jim, for instance keeps me posted with fabulous photos of spiral ginger plants. And Jim Groble in New
[caption id="attachment_693" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="I am sheepish"]

Hampshire has - would you believe it - hummingbirds in his garden. I am entranced to learn, read other peoples' whimsy, look at pictures of their chickens and cats. You get chat back, advice horticultural, new ideas for food and growing. Who needs the Sunday newspapers any more?
One definite downside to the blogging has reared its head. The dreadful reversion to the childish love of punning. Thought I had grown out of this foible years ago. Just this once though and to cheer myself over the fallen website, I unleash an animal menagerie upon any reader. Apologies in advance to any who have already seen them on my twitter feed. MUST learn not to put the horse before the cart.
.....I promise never to do this again as it may well get your goat.
All photos taken at this year's Suffolk Show... except the goat, to be found in Syria.
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[caption id="attachment_695" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="the horse before the cart"]

[caption id="attachment_696" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="get your goat"]
