For starters, a rat or mouse has been chomping on my oh so wierd squash zuccheta Serpente di Sicilia. It in turn is strangling the nearby runner beans. Trailing amain, it thirstily treats every watering can's worth as an excuse to put on another 40 cms in tentacle growth. Over all, sunflowers like blocks of flats with the girth of giants, are robbing the sky of light and the ground of nutrients. Another interloper, pumpkin Marina di Chioggia is threatening to pull the fence down. It snuck in under my inexpert gaze as a cucumber. I daren't plant out my broccoli fledglings due to the rampant Cabbage white butterflies. AND we are so greedy that the entire broad bean crop went at one sitting. Next year I will be much more disciplined in my planting and quantities.

Oh and by the way the strange foray into the watery land of definition that wavers between courgette, marrow and squash comes from a love of Seeds of Italy catalogue. There is always just one more slightly wierd bit of provender from the Veneto or Sicily that it is tempting to try.
Any tips on how to keep the mouse/rat out, please send me a comment. Thank you.