Master Composter is a scheme which exists to put out the word for making compost. This means wearing a badge, going to public events or places and and enthusing people to make their own. Gardening begins and ends with the state of your soil and this is determined by what is put in to improve it - that is to say, good organic matter known as compost.

So how do you make the stuff? SImply collect up all the vegetable parings from your kitchen. Add coffee grounds, teabags, fruit skins, old dog hair and put it all into a bin. The best type for this is a tardis-like affair which the council will sell you cheap.
Add layers of cardboard and scrunched up paper. Site the bin in a part of the garden where the sun will beat down and heat it up. Now and again slosh in some water - or, infinitely preferable - a bucket of urine.
It will turn itself into a rich brown crumbly substance to feed your soil or for use for potting up plants.

I’ve done the course, been measured for the tee shirt and gone out to talk the talk. A few pictures are sprinkled on this post to show you my first day out. It rained and rained and even the donkeys escaped from giving rides. We spread the word to the few who were there to listen. I for one, could have run away with the gypsies who sat out the downpour by a blazing hearth in a superb caravan.